KDJ and White Plains Hospital Break Down How To Stay Healthy During Summer Golf Season

The school year has officially ended and summer golf season is in full swing (pun totally intended). For those of us moving into our 30’s, 40’s and 50’s, that can mean some physical issues that we might not have seen earlier in our athletic careers. Taking care of our bodies with proper stretching and recovery, and seeking medical attention when needed are vital in a sport that utilizes the lower body, hip, back, arms, and shoulders.

Gameday One’s KDJ took some time recently with Dr. Michael Schwartz, Sports Medicine Orthopedic Surgeon at White Plains Hospital, to discuss some of the key topics facing golfers and their physical health.

One of our goals with the launch of GamedayOne.com this spring was to build meaningful relationships with local business who share our vision and passion for High School Sports in our area.

White Plains Hospital is an unrivaled supporter of local sports in the Lower Hudson Valley, and was the first brand to commit to help Gameday One get off the ground. Our growing coverage of High School Sports in our area would not be possible without their partnership.



Ryan Moss

Ryan Moss

Ryan Moss is the Co-Founder of GameDay One

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